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Assign costs

From recording to allocation: instructions for successful cost allocation in Poool

In Poool you allocate the costs of an incoming invoice to a project or order. To do this, create a new invoice under Accounting → Incoming invoices and select the project or order. Mark costs as billable to see which ones will be charged to the client. Costs can also be assigned to a cost centre, budget or allocation. They are deducted from the gross profit in the project overview.

  1. Navigate to Accounting → Incoming invoice.
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  1. Create a new incoming invoice by clicking on + Incoming invoice.
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  1. Fill in the required information for the incoming invoice, such as supplier, invoice number and invoice date.
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  1. Select the corresponding project or order to which the costs are to be allocated in the service allocation.
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  1. Mark the costs as billable if they are to be charged to the customer.
  1. Optionally, you can allocate the costs to a cost centre, a budget or a allocation.
  1. Save the incoming invoice by clicking on Save.
  1. In the project overview, the allocated costs are deducted directly from the gross profit. Navigate to the project overview to check the updated gross profit.
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